Traffic laws in New York state are designed to protect motorists, pedestrians, and even cyclists. Understanding these traffic laws will be crucial in certain situations, such as driving or being involved in an accident. Nonetheless, the laws are intent on protecting motorists from not only potential accidents and injuries but also ensuring that the traffic is smooth and efficient in all corners of the state.

In this guide, we will discuss some of the notable traffic laws in NYS so you understand what they are and how they are necessary in today’s world. We will also discuss how these laws will ensure that you get the right judgment if you are ever involved in a car accident that may result in personal injury. Let’s take a look now at everything you need to know.

General Overview of Traffic Laws in New York

The traffic laws in New York state are detailed and extensive. They have been created to cover every possible scenario on the road, ensuring safety and orderliness for motor vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. The Vehicle and Traffic Laws or VTL govern the behavior of the driver, registration of vehicles, road safety measures, and more. Law enforcement will enforce these laws at the local, county, and state levels. As such, violation of such rules will come with penalties ranging from fines, demerit points on your license, or, in some cases, incarceration.

Why are traffic laws important?

Traffic laws were created to maintain order on the roads in New York. At the same time, they have been designed to prevent accidents from happening. There are clear rules for how a driver should behave, including speed limits and right-of-way procedures. These ensure that your vehicle will be appropriately registered and maintained. Complying with these laws will reduce the risk of collisions and injuries and, at the same time, avoid any legal consequences that may arise.

However, suppose you are involved in an accident. In that case, you may find yourself in a legal situation where hiring a lawyer might make sense, especially when determining who was at fault for the accident and negotiating fair compensation from the insurance company you are a policyholder of. Please bear in mind that in the event of an accident, the insurance company may not be the ally you believe you have. The reason for this is that they focus more on the monetary aspect of their business than on addressing the best interests of their clients.

That is why hiring a car accident lawyer who understands the New York State traffic laws is essential. At the same time, they are also familiar with the insurance procedures and the unethical tactics of those companies to lower their policyholders after an accident. If you believe you have been in an accident and want fair compensation to cover your expenses from the aftermath, Duffy and Duffy will ensure that you have someone in your corner fighting for you.

Speed Limits and Speeding Violations

Speed limits in the state of New York are designed to regulate the flow of traffic while ensuring road safety. They will vary on the type of road and the surrounding environment. The New York Thruway and similar highways will have higher speed limits than residential and rural areas. Speeding violations in the state of New York can carry significant penalties. You could face fines anywhere from $90 to $600 depending on the excess speed limit when you have been stopped by law enforcement.

In addition, speeding tickets can result in demerit points added to your driving record. Severe driving infractions can lead to license suspension. If you accumulate points, please note that your insurance premium will increase. The reason for this is that the insurance company may view you as a risky driver, and you could be at a high risk of fault in the event of a vehicle accident.

For reference, it is essential to note the speed limits in New York and the city. The statewide maximum speed limit is 55 mph unless posted otherwise. The citywide maximum speed limit in New York City is 25 mph unless otherwise posted. This is something that you need to note when you are traveling the roadways of New York State and even New York City itself.

If you are driving through a work zone, a lower advisory speed limit may be posted. These will appear in black and orange signs. In New York, the law advises that the work zone limit should be no more than 20 mph below the standard limits. The minimum allowable limit for speed in a work zone is 25 mph.

What happens if you get a speeding ticket?

You may be subject to the abovementioned fines if you get a speeding ticket. Again, this will depend on factors such as how fast you were going compared to the posted speed limit. While some law enforcement in the state of New York may let you off with a warning, that might only sometimes be the case. If you get a speeding ticket, it may result in points against your driving record. Again, there may be cases where you could face a license suspension.

You may try to contest the ticket in court on the date provided. If necessary, you could consider legal assistance if you believe you have been unjustly cited for exceeding the speed limit.

Traffic Signal Rules and Red Light Violations

Traffic signals and road markings will be important in ensuring that motorists in New York comply with traffic laws. Running a red light can lead to severe consequences.

How can red light violations impact you?

If you violate the red light laws, you could face a fine of up to $300 and additional points on your license. Please note that these violations could significantly increase the risk of accidents at an intersection. Of course, we cannot stress enough that such accidents can lead to severe injuries or even death. The legal consequences of causing an accident for running a red light can be extensive. Not only will you face the prospect of criminal charges, but you can also face lawsuits or even higher insurance premiums from both the victims and the insurance companies involved.

Right of Way Rules and Yielding to Pedestrians

Right-of-way rules in New York were designed to prevent conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. It is required for drivers to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections so the latter can be able to cross the street safely. The penalties for failing to yield to pedestrians could result in fines of up to $150. In addition, three points will be added to your license. Please note that there may be severe consequences if an accident stems from a failure to yield violation. This can include but is not limited to significant financial liabilities and personal injury lawsuits.

Lane Usage and Changing Lanes Safely

When it comes to avoiding accidents on the road, motorists in the state of New York must practice proper lane usage and, in some situations, lane changing. Motorists must stay within their designated lanes and signal their intention before changing into another one. Please note that unsafe lane changes, including failure to signal and even driving in lanes designated for specific vehicles, such as bike lanes, can lead to penalties.

Once again, fines and points on your license will result from many infractions regarding lane violations. An unsafe lane change that results in a sideswipe collision or rear-end accident can lead to significant penalties, primarily if they result in injury and considerable property damage.

School Zone Regulations and Safety Measures

It is imperative to protect the children of New York, especially when they are close to a school zone. That is why such areas are created to ensure that lower speed limits are in effect, along with additional signage so traffic can flow accordingly in and around a school zone area. Steep fines and other penalties will apply if you violate traffic laws within the school zone. If injury or death occurs, especially involving a child, criminal charges and personal injury claims will also arise.

DUI/DWI Laws and Consequences

One of the most serious traffic offenses in the state of New York and across the United States is Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Both are severe offenses with penalties that include incarceration, license suspension, and more. In the state of New York and all US states, the legal blood alcohol content or BAC is 0.08%. Those who have exceeded this limit could face heavy penalties.

Specifically, penalties for DUI or DWI can lead to fines of up to $10,000. License suspension or revocation is also possible. Jail time may also depend on the severity of the crime. Repeat offenders will also face severe consequences, including longer license suspension, higher fees, and even a more lengthy jail sentence. In addition, an increase in insurance premiums and permanent marks on your driving record will also result.

Handheld Phone Use While Driving in New York

Per New York State law, using a handheld phone while operating a motor vehicle is prohibited. This includes texting, calling, or other devices diverting the driver’s attention from the road. Note that violating these laws can lead to $200 in fines and points on your license. It’s also important to note that distracted driving risks are substantial as it can lead to an increase in accidents that could lead to severe injury or death.

Common Traffic Violations and Penalties

To get a good idea of the common traffic violations and penalties in New York, we will provide this section with some of those, along with what the consequences will carry should you violate such laws. These are some of the following violations and penalties to be aware of:

Speeding: Fines will vary from $90 to $600. This does not include any potential court surcharges or the number of points added to your license.

Red Light Violation: This can result in fines ranging from $50 to $450. Significant penalties may also apply in the event of an accident involving serious injury or death.

Use of a Handheld Device: Fines ranging from $50 to $200 will apply to a first offense. The same will apply to a second offense if it occurs within 18 months. However, third and subsequent offenses within the 18 months can result in a fine ranging from $50 to $450. This applies to five points on your driver’s license and court surcharges.

DWI: The state of New York has similar laws regarding DWI. In the most common form, penalties for the first offense range from a fine of $500 to $1,000, along with a maximum sentence of one-year incarceration and a license revocation of six months. The penalties will increase for any subsequent offenses. Aggravated DWI carries penalties of one-year imprisonment; however, the fines and license revocation double compared to standard DWI violations.

Injured by Another Driver Disobeying Traffic Laws?

If you have been injured by another driver who disobeyed the traffic laws in New York, you can pursue a legal case. It is vital to make sure that you take the necessary steps in the event of an accident. This includes documenting any vehicle damage or visible injuries and gathering witness statements. Please ensure you exchange contact information, which will be vital to your case.

You must also call emergency services when you can do so safely after an accident. Getting a medical examination as soon as possible is best, even though you are not showing signs of any apparent injuries. A medical exam will give you additional documentation should you decide to pursue a legal case in the event of an accident.

After this, be sure to visit Duffy and Duffy as they will be experienced in such situations. They understand the traffic laws of New York and will represent you to ensure that you get the best compensation for any expenses pertaining to medical bills, lost wages, and more.

Final Thoughts

The traffic laws in New York State were designed to keep motorists safe both in the state and New York City. If you have been a victim of anybody violating said laws, which may have resulted in injury or even death, legal assistance is available. Duffy and Duffy have experienced lawyers who have worked with clients involving car accidents and personal injury cases resulting from at-fault drivers violating New York State traffic laws. For more information on how we can help, call our law office today at 516-394-4200 or visit us in Uniondale at 1370 RXR Plaza.