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What Are Some Telltale Signs That Your Nursing Home Is Neglecting Your Loved Ones?

You travel to the nursing home where your senior loved one resides. It may have been a couple of weeks since the last visit. When you arrive, it seems like you and your family are going through the motions of the process.

Then you see your senior loved one and they don’t look as good as they should. They appear to be unkempt and may have lost weight compared to the last time they saw you. Your heart begins to sink and you instantly realize that your senior loved one is being neglected.

At this point, you need to take immediate action. If you don’t know what the telltale signs of nursing home neglect are, this guide will help. You will be able to learn them and be able to take the necessary actions once you notice any signs of neglect.

Let’s begin with everything you need to know and what you need to do next.

What are the types of neglect that exist in nursing homes?

To set the foundation of this guide, we will go over a list of the types of nursing home neglect that are common. You will also learn the signs that are linked to it. Being able to spot these right away will help you prepare for the next steps in reporting the neglect to the proper authorities.

Here are the following types of neglect to be aware of:

Physical signs of neglect

To start, we should stress that physical signs of neglect may be similar to abuse. Yes, they are slightly different in terms of physical injuries that are unexplained. Nevertheless, malnutrition and dehydration are two major signs that physical neglect exists.

It is also to keep an eye on how they look. If they are unkempt, lack proper hygiene, and live in unsanitary conditions, these will be obvious signs of physical neglect. If your senior loved one is often bedridden, they need to be moved around accordingly in order to prevent bedsores.

The presence of bedsores can be a sign of neglect due to lack of mobile assistance. If you notice them, it is important to notify the proper management staff as soon as possible.

Emotional and psychological signs

This one will be a little tricky here for those who may not know the baseline behavior of your senior loved one. It’s one thing if they choose not to be the social type (and perhaps for a few good reasons). However, if they’re the kind of people that loves interacting with others, isolation and withdrawal are signs that something is wrong.

This will include them expressing fear or anxiety around staff members. It may be an indicator that someone on the staff may be abusing them. You’ll want to notify management as soon as possible if you notice this.

Self-neglect may also be a symptom of emotional and psychological abuse. It may be hard to tell this compared to general neglect inflicted by the nursing home staff. Regardless, it should be addressed accordingly.

Be sure to ask questions if your senior loved one is comfortable answering them. It should be noted that emotional and psychological neglect is difficult to recover from.

Medical neglect

This will pertain to medical care that is delayed or inadequate for any injuries or illnesses. One other sign of medical neglect is the failure to administer medication that your senior loved one is prescribed for regular use. Even a lack of supervision may be grounds for neglect, especially if accidents or injuries result.

That’s why it is important for staff members to make sure they supervise any senior residents in order to make sure they are in a safe environment and perform tasks and abilities without the risk of getting hurt (or hurting others). Your senior loved one deserves the regular medical care they need, if and when necessary.

You may not discover this medical neglect until something happens. Best case scenario, your doctor may notice something wrong regarding the regular treatment and medication dosage. If they notice a pattern, it could be a sign of medical neglect.

Worst case scenario is that your senior loved one may end up in the hospital due to serious medical issues that could stem from medical neglect. Such instances may result in critical health issues and death. Please make sure that they get the regular medical attention they need if something happens.

This is why regular communication between you and the nursing home staff is recommended. It will keep you in the know about your senior loved one and how they’re doing.

What are the factors that contribute to nursing home neglect?

Nursing home neglect may stem from a few contributing factors. Here’s a look at what they are:

Breakdown in communication

This is an issue that is commonplace beyond the nursing home facilities. Such issues can also affect the treatments at hospitals and medical care facilities that may result in serious injury, illness, or death. Poor communication along with a lack of competence and skill is a perfect storm for neglect or worse.

That’s why it is important to make sure communication between staff members, residents, and their families must be as clear as possible. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page so your senior loved one is getting the care they need at all times.

This factor segues into our next point on the list.

Staffing issues

A lack of staff on hand at a nursing home facility can be a problem. Especially when the number of residents are greater than the hands on deck. This can lead to some residents not getting the regular care and assistance they need, even for lengthy periods of time.

Forgetfulness can be grounds for neglect, even if it wasn’t intentional. That’s why it is important for nursing home management to make critical decisions that ensure that every senior is cared for. This can include hiring new people if they have the financial ability to do so.

Otherwise, they may need to swallow hard and make tough decisions that may include changes to some of the residents’ living arrangements. Staffing issues can be solved by various means, even if it comes down to making tough administrative decisions to help keep their financial situation stable.

Continuing onward with staffing issues, it is important for management to hire the right kind of people. Specially, they are looking for those who are skilled and competent in their duties. At the same time, they want people on their staff who have a good attitude and a willingness to work with others including senior residents.

That’s why it is important to hire people who are authentic and prove that they are caring and compassionate for others. It goes without saying that staff members who allegedly abuse senior residents lack this.

What to do if you discover signs of neglect?

Immediate action must be taken in order to address the neglect that your senior loved one is suffering. This includes filing a complaint with nursing home management. You should also consult with a lawyer to consider any legal options that are possible.

Neglect can mean civil suits for the nursing home. Meanwhile, your senior loved one must be relocated to a safe place in order to prevent further neglect (albeit temporarily).

This is a stressful process, but it is worth the effort when it comes to the health and safety of your senior loved ones. It may take planning and preparation to decide what to do next. But rest assured, you’re doing the right thing by saving someone from a dangerous situation that could lead to serious injury, illness, or death.

Don’t forget to document any signs of neglect that can be proven in your complaint with nursing home management. Copies of such documentation should also be forwarded to your lawyer as well. This will help build your civil suit that you may file against the nursing home.


Nursing home neglect is a serious issue that can be preventable. Management must hire the right people that will take the best care of your senior loved one. At the same time, they must realize that such neglect can tarnish their reputation, which leads to a loss of trust in the residents and their family members.

If you have noticed any signs of neglect, you should not waste time. With each passing day, it can be a situation that is getting worse for your senior loved one. Be sure to reach out to your attorney as soon as possible.

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The injury attorneys at Duffy & Duffy have dedicated their practice to helping victims who have been hurt as a result of someone else’s carelessness. Our trial lawyers have years of experience litigating and resolving negligence claims, and we can use our knowledge and skill to pursue the compensation you deserve.

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